Coy Barefoot: Pat Enright of Dominion Development

On the June 19, 2008 edition of WINA’s “Charlottesville-Right Now!” Coy Barefoot speaks with Pat Enright, CEO of local developer Dominion Development Resources, LLC (DDR). Enright discussed two major projects his firm has been involved in recently, the Northtown Center development on behalf of developer Wendell Wood, and the proposed dredging of the South Fork Rivanna Reservoir.

  • Northtown Center approved – Phase I of the Northtown shopping center will contain a bank and other retail. Enright described his job as”really trying to align what the client needs, with what they’re allowed to do, with what the residents are going to be impacted by.”
  • Dredging – DDR has proposed that an active quarry 3,000 feet from the reservoir be used as the disposal site for dirt removed from the South Fork Rivanna Reservoir. Enright admits that his company has a financial stake in that piece of land, but argues that this shouldn’t prevent citizens and government from looking at the merits of the proposal. Enright estimates the approximate cost of removing the 2 million cubic yards of dirt currently in the reservoir to be between $24-29 million dollars.

(links are to stories on Charlottesville Tomorrow)


5 Replies to “Coy Barefoot: Pat Enright of Dominion Development”

  1. Guys i know this is a little off topic but how long does it take for planning permission for a house to go through ( average ) in the states?

    Over here in the UK it can take many years and im doing a little research into it in other countries.

  2. Pingback: job center
  3. Pingback: shopping barefoot

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