Charlottesville–Right Now: Jonathan Rintels on the effects of media consolidation

Jon Rintels is the executive director of the Center for Creative Voices in Media, a watchdog which advocates for the freedom of writers to produce intelligent programming. He joins Coy Barefoot on WINA’s Charlottesville–Right Now to discuss how consolidation of media outlets create a situation where O.J. Simpson can be lured into doing a prime-time special. Also, what happened to the Dixie Chicks after 9/11, and the importance of creating local content.

CharlottesvilleGuv,!vDjnjRight Now is broadcast live Monday through Friday on NewsRadio 1070 WINA from 4 to 6pm. Best-selling author and historian Coy Barefoot is the host and producer. To participate in the program, you can call 434-977-1070. Coy can be reached at

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