Charlottesville–Right Now: Convergence news with Steve Safran of Lost Remote

Steve Safran is the editor and founder of, a website dedicated to tracking the new media revolution. He joins Coy Barefoot on WINA’s Charlottesville–Right Now to talk about the latest developments. Microsoft’s released the Zune, its own portable mp3 player, available for $249. Coy and Steve talk about a move afoot to replace the term “podcast”, as Safran says we’re in an era when people don’t quite know if podcasting is a viable medium or not, because a podcast downloaded is not necessarily a download listened to or watched.

“Everyone should challenge the numbers they hear, especially from the people who own the sites,” says Safran. “Everybody’s numbers are off, but that’s okay, because the Nielsen ratings on television are notoriously fuzzy, too.”
