Wake-Up Call: Albemarle County Public Schools Budget/ Virginia

Rick Moore (host) talks with Jane Kulow (part of Albemarle County Public Schools parent council), Chelsea Henderson (part of Monticello High School student council), and Ryan Shell (social studies at Albemarle High School) about the Albemarle County Public Schools budget, and how it will effect the schools in Virginia, in general. Albemarle County will be having a 4 x 4 schedule next year due to budget cuts, and many are opposed to it because it might affect the quality of education. Also, other programs will be cut to save money.

Teacher Ken Bernstein on Obama’s education appointments

Nationally recognized teacher Ken Bernstein joined Coy Barefoot on the November 16, 2008 edition of WINA’s “Charlottesville–Right Now.” Bernstein is a graduate of the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership. He talks to Coy about the educational appointments made by incoming president Barack Obama.

Smart Beginnings: The Importance of Early Education

Smart Beginnings is a program in Central Virginia (1 of 4 in the state) sponsored by the Virginia Early Childhood Foundation, aimed at increasing the quality and quantity of education provided to pre-K children. Miriam Rushfinn, Kathy Flanders, and Shaele Wood join host Rick Moore in the studio this week to talk about Smart Beginnings, and the importance of quality education early in life. Why is it important to educate children before Kindergarten? Who bears the cost? How can we ensure the quality of the curriculum? Find out the answers to these questions, and find out what parents and community members have to say as they call in with their own questions and comments.

Find out more about Bright Beginning and similar initiatives across the state by visiting their website.