Marc Leepson
Regular listeners of our podcast or our live streaming feed might know Rick Britton. He’s a historian and cartographer and a frequent guest on WINA’s Charlottesville Right Now with Coy Barefoot. Rick also organizes a Civil War lecture and day-trip series in conjunction with the Charlottesville Senior Center.
On April 15th, 2009 journalist and historian Marc Leepson—author of Desperate Engagement: How a Little-Known Civil War Battle Saved Washington, D.C., and Changed American History—spoke on the July 9th, 1864, Battle of Monocacy, which took place just south of historic Frederick, Maryland. If Union Gen. Lew Wallace (who later penned Ben Hur), had not thrown together a 6,000-man scratch force and fought the delaying action, Confederate Gen. Jubal Early’s 15,000-man veteran corps may well have marched into the Federal capital, seized the U.S. Treasury along with millions of dollars-worth of military supplies, and forced the Lincoln administration to flee.
This is part one of a seven part series. The event is held every third Wednesday at the Charlottesville Senior Center.