Vincent Bugliosi, New York Times Bestselling author of Helter Skelter and The Prosecution of George W. Bush For Murder, joined Coy Barefoot on WINA’s “Charlottesville-Right Now!” to discuss the evidence and his conclusion that President George W. Bush is guilty of first degree murder.
Bugliosi discusses his role and methods as a true crime writer and lays out his case against George W. Bush for pursuing an illegal war for personal reasons that resulted in the deaths of over 4,000 American soldiers. Vermont Attorney General candidate Charlotte Dennett has pledged that, if elected, she will pursue this prosecution. Bugliosi firmly believes that, if brought to court, he will get a conviction.
The main issue is whether Mr. Bush brought the nation to war out of self defense. If it can be proven that the war was made based on false pretenses, as Mr. Bugliosi’s collected evidence appears to suggest, then murder can be proven. Mr. Bugliosi believes that the death penalty may be appopriate if Mr. Bush is convicted. Bugliosi spoke from Charlottesville, Virginia prior to his talk at the Albemarle County Office Building
I shot video last night of Bugliosi and Charlotte Dennette last night in Brattleboro Vermont.
Video and more posted here:
Speaking of George W. Bush:
George W. Bush committed hate crimes of epic proportions and with the stench of terrorism (indicated in my blog).
George W. Bush did in fact commit innumerable hate crimes.
And I do solemnly swear by Almighty God that George W. Bush committed other hate crimes of epic proportions and with the stench of terrorism which I am not at liberty to mention.
Many people know what Bush did.
And many people will know what Bush did—even to the end of the world.
Bush was absolute evil.
Bush is now like a fugitive from justice.
Bush is a psychological prisoner.
Bush has a lot to worry about.
Bush can technically be prosecuted for hate crimes at any time.
In any case, Bush will go down in history in infamy.
Submitted by Andrew Yu-Jen Wang
B.S., Summa Cum Laude, 1996
Messiah College, Grantham, PA
Lower Merion High School, Ardmore, PA, 1993
I am not sure where I had read it before, but anyway, it is a linguistically excellent statement, and it goes kind of like this: “If only it were possible to ban invention that bottled up memory so it never got stale and faded.” Oh wait—off the top of my head—I think the quotation came from my Lower Merion High School yearbook.
I believe President Bush is the worst President we had and he was the reason for the cause of Sept 11th. He went to far with war in Iraq that should have not started in the first place, and I am glad Mr Bugliosi, my favorite attorney is prosecuting him. I think what Bush did is a crime. Thaht God he is no longer President. Stephanie P.