‘The New Dominion Show’ for Sept. 26

WeGuv,!v,,ure ba-a-a-ack! And weGuv,!v,,uve got a lot to share this week, as usual. Joining us are Guv,!V| Virginia Republican Congressman (and potential 2008 GOP Senate nomination candidate) Tom Davis; Roland Lazenby, a Virginia Tech communications professor and editor of April 16th: Virginia Tech Remembers; and Tamara Talmadge-Anderson of the Virginia Tourism Corp. Also this week, Chris and Crystal discuss the role that Virginia Democrats will play in the 2008 VP sweepstakes, and then go down a list of hot topics in the news in Virginia this week in The Morning Edition.


One Reply to “‘The New Dominion Show’ for Sept. 26”

  1. Tom DeLay is convicted, Jack Abramoff is convicted, John Doolittle in California has finally been subpoened, all for “pay to pay” politics when Davis was in charge of the cash flow at the Reublican National Congressional Committee. The offices of DeLay, Abramoff, and lobbyist Dan Matoon were all clustered with his. Is Davis finally headed to jail next, for diverting the pay-to-play money to his wife in the VA state senate? See http://www.dailykos.com/tag/churning

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