Biscuit Run approved by Planning Commission

On May 29, 2007, the Albemarle County Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Biscuit Run rezoning.  The public hearing featured the first appearance by developer Hunter Craig (photo at right), an audience of approximately 100 people, and thirty-two speakers who offered their comments on the 3,100 home development in Albemarle’s Scottsville magisterial district.  Up until this meeting, Craig had kept a low profile granting only one interview related to the project and typically deferring to his attorney Steve Blaine to represent the project in public.

20070529biscuitrunIn the view of staff which recommended approval, and by the end of the five hour meeting, the Planning Commission, the developer of Biscuit Run had brought a lot to the table to entice Albemarle County to rezone 828 acres of land for the new development.  The Planning Commission looked very favorably upon the proffers for transportation, affordable housing, and public parks. 

Roughly half the speakers from the public expressed their support for Biscuit Run, with many citing improvements that had been made to address their concerns.  While several speakers asked that the project be rejected, most of the other half of the speakers came with outstanding questions and concerns that they asked be addressed before the project was given the County’s approval.

The Biscuit Run rezoning will next be reviewed by the Board of Supervisors in a work session on July 11, 2007.  A public hearing before the Board has tentatively been scheduled for August 8, 2007.

Watch a video of the Commission’s vote:

Brian Wheeler
