Charlottesville–Right Now: Bob Gibson reviews the election

Bob Gibson is the political reporter for the Charlottesville Daily Progress. He joins Coy Barefoot each week to discuss Virginia politics. He says last week’s election ended up being decided by President Bush’s stance on the war, and does not necessarily reflect a changing Virginia. He reminds listeners that two-term presidents usually lose seats at the six-year point of their administration.

In his recent Sunday column, Bob traced George Allen’s political career, describing him as a man who united the Republican Party in the state. He and Coy discuss Allen’s future, and the passage of the gay marriage amendment.

CharlottesvilleGuv,!vDjnjRight Now is broadcast live Monday through Friday on NewsRadio 1070 WINA from 4 to 6pm. Best-selling author and historian Coy Barefoot is the host and producer. To participate in the program, you can call 434-977-1070. Coy can be reached at

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