One of the things we’re convinced about is that newspapers can use podcasting to begin venturing into areas that have traditionally been left to radio and television. The Roanoke Times, for instance, is producing several podcasts weekly, and last week, it was announced that the New York Times has jumped on the trend.
The Lynchburg News and Advance, the sister paper of the Daily Progress, has recently begun offering audio clips in stories on its website. The sound is recorded by staff photographer David Duncan, a photojournalist who has contributed a couple of soundscapes to CPN. Several years ago, David began recording the subjects he photographed. He began exhibiting his work on the walls of an architectural firm in downtown Lynchburg, and a hobby became a new way to tell stories. Now, he’s managed to convince his superiors to let him post his interviews and soundscapes to their website.
David is currently working on a series called Virginia Talkers which we hope to debut in the coming weeks. But, in the mean-time, take a listen to his work in a companion piece to a story in the August 7 News and Advance about one of the world’s most interesting instruments – the bagpipe. David speaks with JoAnn Scott, a bagpipe instructor from Forest.
Or take a listen to his August 1 piece on the Virginia Department of Transportation’s efforts to restore the South Fork of the Rockfish River near Wintergreen.