Wendy Fournier of the National Autism Association

Wendy Fournier of the National Autism Association joined Coy Barefoot on the July 22, 2008 episode of “WINA’s Charlottesville–Right Now!” to talk about the recent comments made by talk show host Michael Savage blaming autism on bad parenting. Later on, WINA permanently pulled the host from its airwaves. This podcast begins with a rendition of …

David Kirby: Federal government concedes autism-mercury link in one case

Best-selling author David Kirby is an investigative journalist whose book Evidence of Harm tracked how mercury in vaccines may be connected to the autism epidemic. In a detailed article published February 25 on the Huffington Post, Kirby reported that the federal government has conceded a case before the Court of Federal Claims that a mercury-based …

Dan Olmsted with the latest on the quest to explain the autism epidemic

Investigative reporter Dan Olmsted joins Coy Barefoot on the February 7 edition of WINA’s “Charlottesville–Right Now!” to continue the discussion about the autism epidemic. Olmsted is now keeping his readers up to date on a blog called The Age of Autism, which also features articles from other contributers. His work will soon be collected in …