Dan Olmsted, Editor & Founder of the Age of Autism, a daily web newspaper covering autism as an environmentally-induced, treatable illness, joined Charlottesville-Right Now host Coy Barefoot to discuss possible connections between autism and vaccines.
Age of Autism is also known as ‘the clown blog’ for good reason. In now way is it a respected or even a terribly popular autism blog. Kristina Chew’s blog gets much more traffic. I would guess that Lisa Jo Rudy and Kevin Leitch’s Leftbrainrightbrain.co.uk gets much more traffic and they aren’t just click throughs from a google adword ad.
Dan Olmsted was fired from UPI wasn’t he? And it’s not like he was ever “recognized” for anything. He’s a legend in his own mind.
No one ever found any live virus in any child’s gut, dear heart. It was fraud. It’s a hoax.
If there is no link btwn vaccines and autism, lets get a study done comparing vaxed and unvaxed kids and put it all to rest. What are you all afraid to learn????
Diane – there have infact been quite a few epidemiological studies regarding this question.