2.3.11 Senior Editor of The Washington TimesRichard Diamond joins Coy to discuss the latest studies on red light camera usage. Do red light cameras actually reduce accidents at intersections? Is this really just a ploy to raise revenue? Get all of the insights from one of the foremost experts in the country on this issue right here.
1.12.11 Senior Editor of The Washington TimesRichard Diamond joins Coy with the latest on the red-light cameras in Charlottesville. Today marks the one month anniversary of the cameras going live at Rio Road, and Diamond analyzes the press release today proclaiming the cameras have decreased the number of traffic violations in Albemarle County. One of the foremost experts on red light camera usage nationwide, Diamond notes some clever language in the press release which shapes the statistics in a manner favorable to Redflex, the Australian company behind the cameras.
12.13.10 Senior editor of The Washington TimesRichard Diamond joins Coy to discuss the latest on the red light cameras. As of this weekend, Albemarle County is officially out of the “trial period” and into the era of citations and fines for violating the traffic laws at Rio Road. A host of issues with the cameras are touched on, including the legality of the cameras, the amount of time and effort which has to go into reviewing the violation count, and whether these cameras are actually helping to reduce accidents. Listen in as Barefoot, Diamond, and concerned callers react to the new system.
11.12.10 Senior Editor Richard Diamond from The Washington Times joins Coy to discuss the debut of the red light cameras on Rio Road today. Included in the conversation are the purpose of the cameras, the repercussions, and the public’s view of the issue.