Wake Up Call: Parenting

On the February 23rd Wake Up Call, host Rick Moore talks about parenting with Chris Burton, a family specialist at Children, Youth, and Family Services, and Wanda Seagroves, attachment theory specialist, and keynote speaker at Parenting POWER Workshop. They discuss topics such as how to teach parenting/How can parenting be learned via a classroom, How our economic changes have altered family time, Being a friend rather than a parent, the Parenting POWER workshop, and more.

Charlottesville-Right Now: Dr. Wednesday Martin

hp_031Dr. Wednesday Martin, author of Stepmonster joined Charlottesville Right Now to discuss stepmothers. Martin, a stepmother herself, is a former contributer to the family and lifestyle section of the New York Post. Martin has worked as writer and social researcher in New York City for almost two decades and is documenting the book’s launch on her blog.