Charlottesville–Right Now: Brian Wheeler Updates Coy on Growth and Development Issues

8.23.10- Brian Wheeler, Executive Director of Charlottesville Tomorrow, joins Coy live in studio. Today’s topics include the Albemarle School System, Albemarle County’s budget, Citizens for A Sustainable Water Supply Plan Press Conference, and the proposal for the new Downtown Mall in Crozet.

Charlottesville–Right Now: Brian Wheeler Updates Coy on Growth and Development in Charlottesville

8.3.10- Brian Wheeler, of Charlottesville Tomorrow, gives Coy a weekly update of growth and development. Today’s topics include Charlottesville effort to become three demensional on Google Earth, the water supply plan, RWSA, water conservation,and Albemarle Place.

Charlottesville–Right Now: Bob Holsworth Updates Coy on Virginia Politics

7.26.20- Bob Holsworth, Founder and President of Charlottesville Tomorrow, joins Coy every Monday to talk about Virginia Politics. Today the issue of whether or not Virginia ABC Store’s will be privatized was discussed. Also discussed was Senator Web’s ending of Diversity Programs in Virginia.

Charlottesville Right Now: Brian Wheeler Update’s Coy on Growth and Development in the County

7.12.10- Brian Wheeler, of Charlottesville Tomorrow, updates Coy Barefoot on growth and development for the county. Topics include the best pie in the state, the Board of Supervisor’s Action Plan for economic growth, and possible traffic patterns for the 250 bypass and 29.

Charlottesville–Right Now: Bob Holsworth Talks Virginia Politics with Coy

Bob Holsworth, the Founder and President of Virginia Tomorrow, discusses the latest in Virginia Politics with Coy. Topics include Senator Mark Warner‘s role in the Senate, Robert Hurt’s up-coming election and the effect of the Tea Party on that election, and the location of the Stalin Statue at the D-Day Memorial in Bedford, Va.