Today on Home Grown, David and Leslie keep pace with a packed show. Three! We have three great guests! First, poets Irene Mathieu and Annie Kim bring their wit, wisdom, and poetry to us. They’re doing a shared reading at New Dominion Bookshop, which gives us an excuse to talk to Irene and Annie about their poetry — their inspirations and their structures — and to hear a poem from each of them. Then, from the University of Virginia we welcome Jenny Wales, current artistic director of the Heritage Theatre Festival to talk about it’s 45th season, which is just about to get underway. We ask Jenny what Heritage is today, which leads us into a discussion about the challenges of and the need to see Theatre, in general (and classic Theatre, in particular) through new eyes and evolving sensibilities. Finally, we round off the show with Alexa Beal and Nico Scopelliti, the director and president, respectively, of the Jeffersonland Chorus — Charlottesville’s all-male barbershop chorus. We start with the stereotype of what barbershop is and then talk about how Alexa and Nico are working to change the rules for this 50 year old organization. Three guests, no waiting on Home Grown: Your Show about Local Art.
Home Grown is heard on 94.7 WPVC the Progressive Voice of Charlottesville, Sundays from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.