Jefferson’s ‘rough draught’ of the Declaration of Independence as read by Bill Barker, who portrays Thomas Jefferson for Colonial Williamsburg
Charlottesville Podcasting Network
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Jefferson’s ‘rough draught’ of the Declaration of Independence as read by Bill Barker, who portrays Thomas Jefferson for Colonial Williamsburg
Visitors to Monticello: What They Really Thought – Monticello Podcasts – Susan H. Perdue, Associate Editor of The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series on visitors to Monticello in 1809 and 1810.
A Culinary Independence: Jefferson for July 4th – Monticello Podcasts – Eat Feed’s Anne Bramley talks with Beth Cheuk, Justin Sarafin, and Damon Lee Fowler about the creation of the new book Dining at Monticello.
Thomas Jefferson and Religion – Monticello Podcasts – David Holmes, Professor of Religion, The College of William and Mary
An Interview with Sara Bon-Harper, Monticello’s Archaeological Research Manager
Have you ever had an uncanny experience such as the sensation of your hackles going up around a particular person or place, for instance, or an inexplicably vivid dream in which you could see yourself sleeping? Or one that made you wonder if claims about the reality of supernatural forces and out of body experiences have any validity? Robert Bruce doesn’t need to wonder. Since the age of three, his encounters with astral planes and psychic forces have left him with no doubt about the presence of unseen beings and forces.
An Australian mystic, healer, clairvoyant, and author of several books that are considered classics in the field, including Astral Dynamics, a worldwide bestseller published by Charlottesville’s own Hampton Roads Publishing. Earlier this month, Bruce spoke at Quest Bookshop, and held a five-day workshop on “Energy and Conciousness” at the University of Virginia’s Continuing Education Center. Amy Sarah Marshall was there, and spoke with Bruce afterwards.
Restoration of Monticello’s North All-Weather Passageway – Monticello Podcasting – Henry Cersley
A reading by Bill Barker of Jefferson’s last public letter declining an invitation to attend celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence in Washington, D.C.
A look at Jefferson’s use of and interest in eyeglasses with Katherine Stebbins McCaffrey visiting fellow at the Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies
A look at how perceptions of the natural enviroment of North America influenced how Europeans viewed Americans and Americans viewed themsleves. Presented by Pulitzer-Prizing-winning historian Gordon Wood.
Performed by the Sugar Ridge Quartet
Performed by the Sugar Ridge Quartet