Awaken Your Passion and Purpose with Annette Daly

“Did you know that only 20% of American’s are living their passions? According to a Harris Interactive Poll, 4 out of the 5 people you meet and work with lack the key ingredient fulfillment.”

Awaken your Passion and Purpose podcast show was inspired by my personal mentors, Chris and Janet Attwood, the NY Times bestselling authors of , “The Passion Test.” Life is here to enjoy. The purpose of life is the expansion of happiness–following your passions means following your bliss.

Each week I will invite you to remember that you are powerful and what you believe, you create. Clarity does not come all at once, it is a process. Each podcast will take you through a process to be the BEST YOU by focusing your attention on passion and purpose.

“What you put your attention on grows stronger in your life.” “When you are clear, what you want will show up in your life, and only to the extent you are clear.” Janet Bray Attwood

What will you be King or Queen of Today? My passion is to start a revolution of King’s and Queen’s who are living a life of passion who help others.


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