Brian Wheeler, Executive Director of Charlottesville Tomorrow , joined Charlottesville Right Now to discuss growth and development. This week on the show:
* Brian announces the opening of Albemarle High School’s Math, Engineering, and Science Academy (MESA), which is part of the new addition to the school
* Brian comments on the new partnership between Charlottesville Tomorrow and the Daily Progress
* Brian discusses upcoming local elections and Charlottesville Tomorrow’s production of a non-partisan voter guide of all 11 candidates for City Council and Board of Supervisors
* Brian wants to get questions from local citizens about things they want to know from the candidates
* Brian discusses ASAP (Advocates for a Sustainable Albemarle Population), an advocacy organization run by Jack Marshall, which has released their first study on an optimal population range in Charlottesville and Albemarle County
o Identified that the build-out number would be 400,000 people
o At 200,000 people, the environment will start to degrade (pollution, etc)
* Brian discusses RSWA dredging in the South Fork Rivanna River and how the favored firm HDR gave an estimate of $700,000
* Brian discusses a new cell phone tower proposal in Key West by AT&T, who deferred their request