CRN: The Few and the Proud: Marine Corps Drill Instructors In Their Own Words

For over 230 years, the United States Marine Corps has distinguished itself with heroism, leadership and determination on the field of battle. This tradition of excellence comes with hard work in the face of adversity, and in grueling circumstances. Intrigued by the legends of the men who rigorously train young novices to become Marines, veteran journalist and oral historian Larry Smith set out to discover the first-hand stories of the bravest and most exceptional Marine Corps drill instructors. Following his best-selling book Beyond Glory: Medal of Honor Recipients in Their Own Words, Smith has compiled a riveting collection of real-life stories from the USMC called The Few and the Proud: Marine Corps Drill Instructors In Their Own Words. Smith joins Coy Barefoot on WINA’s Charlottesville–Right Now to discuss his work.
