Charlottesville–Right Now: Ken Boyd joins Coy Barefoot

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12.28.10 Member of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Ken Boyd joins Coy to discuss a host of local issues. Boyd has recently been criticized over the back-and-forth over the new water plan, and he has a chance to respond in today’s conversation. The citizen callers, however, also have their chance to express their views to one of Albemarle’s highest public officials.

5 Replies to “Charlottesville–Right Now: Ken Boyd joins Coy Barefoot”

  1. I think it’s really funy to hear caller Dee Dee, Smith I think, being told to talk about water analysis in the background while she is talking to Ken Boyd.That person yelling in the background is most likely Richard (Llyod) who call in later and makes the silly claim that the county will pay for the whole dam. He says that knowing it’s untrue and what the Albemarle offered to pay for is the dam height above 13 feet.

    There seems to be about 5-7 citzens who think they know more than the largest ratepayer (UVa) and everyone in Albemarle about this water plan. It’s really about anti-growth not saving ratepayers money.

    Betty calls the rates paid city money- NO IT ISN”T- it’s ratepayers money. Half the money isn’t just the city either. Also how does she square the money the UVa pays in her calculaton, UVa wants the dam built.

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