Charlottesville Right Now: 3-2-10 Thom Hartmann

Nationally syndicated radio host, Thom Hartmann joined Coy to discuss current affairs- including the debate on health insurance reform and the historically accurate meaning of the Boston Tea Party. Thom Hartmann can be heard Monday-Friday from 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. on WINA’s sister station Progressive Talk 1450 WVAX.

Charlottesville-Right Now: Sean Tubbs and Julia Glendening

Sean Tubbs and Julia Glendening of Charlottesville Tomorrow joined Charlottesville Right Now to discuss growth and development issues. Topics on the show included:

Janis Jaquith: A Virtual Undertaking

Writer and radio commentator Janis Jaquith is known for her witty essays about raising three children in Central Virginia. We’re featuring some of her classic commentaries here on CPN, using an introductory series of four essays as an example of a weekly podcast.

You can read along at: