Charlottesville–Right Now: Professor Daniel Willingham joins Coy Barefoot

1.28.11 Professor of Psychology at the University of Virginia Daniel Willingham joins Coy to discuss the recent New York Times study on childhood education. According to the article in which Willingham is quoted as an expert, students learn better when tested on material before they study it. The UVA professor explains how the research experiment was conducted, at what levels this study can be applied, the benefits of “concept mapping,” and where we go from here. Be sure to check out Willingham’s most recent book Why Don’t Students Like School?.

Locked-In Syndrome

In todayvDj(tm)s show, adapted from an article published on the Oscar web site written by Linda Kobert, we examine the work of Dennis Proffitt, Professor and Director of the Cognitive Science Program, whose research focuses on creating computer interfaces to help make life more bearable for patients with ALS and other diseases that are the cause of locked-in syndrome.

Up to now, the most iconic connection to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or Lou GehrigvDj(tm)s disease, is the famous farewell in Yankee stadium By Mr. Gerhig. Forced to retire from baseball, the profession he loved and was best known for, he became the personification of this devastating disease.

For more information about the show or to see the full text, visit the Oscar ShowvDj(tm)s blog.