How my first Black Friday reminded me of pilgrimages back home in India

Black Friday shoppers at The Apple Store on Fifth Ave, New York. Photo: maybeMaybeMaybe/Wikimedia Commons.

CPN reporter Deepak Singh offers his reflections on on Black Friday and how it reminded him of pilgrimages in his homeland India.

Mr. Singh’s report was originally aired on PRI’s The World. You can follow Deepak Singh on Facebook and Twitter.

Musician from England visits Charlottesville

Jamie West

Charlottesville is known to attract artists and musicians from all over Virginia who come to showcase their talent and entertain people. Jamie West, a twenty-four year old musician traveled all the way from England to play music on the streets of Charlottesville. Deepak Singh compiled this audio report.

Follow Deepak Singh on Facebook and Twitter.

Feature: Explaining Sufi Music

The Charlottesville Podcasting Network is proud to debut a new series of feature reports on the cultural and spiritual life of the South Asian community in Central Virginia. Our reporter Deepak Singh has worked for the BBC, and currently calls Charlottesville home. Deepak will be producing regular stories, and we will eventually have a dedicated podcast for the South Asian community.

This introductory piece gives us some insight into the nature of Sufi music.