Rivanna Rambler: Rivanna River Cleanup this weekend

The 2007 Rivanna River Clean-up starts at 10 a.m on Saturday, August 25. The rain date will be on Sunday, August 26. Contact Garnett Mellen at 975-0224 or garnett.mellen@vaswcd.org for volunteer on the ground. Contact Phyllis White at 984-5678 or 242-5893 or phyllisdj@hotmail.com to volunteer by boat. The event is hosted by the Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District and the Rivanna Conservation Society.

Guv,!E”The Rivanna RamblerGuv,!Vkj airs weekly from 11:55am-noon on WTJU 91.1 and is produced and recorded by Leslie Middleton. This episode (#55) originally aired on August 23, 2007.


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