Brian Wheeler, Executive Director of Charlottesville Tomorrow, joins Coy Barefoot on the February 27th edition of “CharlottesvilleGuv,!vDjkjRight Now!” for the weekly growth and development discussion. This week, he and Coy discuss the Places29 Master Plan, proposed grade-separated interchanges on Route 29, and transportation funding plans recently approved by the Virginia General Assembly.
Callers had questions on the number of residential units proposed for the Places29 area and on plans for improving roads around Pantops. Carter Myers, former member of the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB), called in to explain his past support for the Western Bypass for Route 29 and the reason he voted against pursuing grade-separated interchanges at intersections like Hydraulic Road and Route 29.
Charlottesville Tomorrow is a non-partisan community organization that focuses on land use, transportation and community design issues in Charlottesville and Albemarle. Executive Director Brian Wheeler joins Coy Barefoot each week on WINAGuv,!v,,us CharlottesvilleGuv,!vDjnjRight Now to update listeners on growth and development issues.