WNRN Sunday Morning Wakeup Call: Barbara Nordin, the Hook’s Fearless Consumer

In a world where consumer choices are endless, disagreements and misunderstandings are bound to occur. Who steps in to negotiate? Barbara Nordin, that’s who. Nordin writes the Hook’s Fearless Consumer column. In every issue, Nordin investigates the complaints of those who feel they’ve been wronged by businesses. On this week’s installment of WNRN’s Sunday Morning Wakeup Call, she deals with steak knives, German lemons, and reveals that the consumer isn’t necessarily always right. Wakeup Call Host Rick Moore begins the show with a monologue addressing the irony of a terrorist attack while world leaders meet to discuss ending poverty.

CPN and WNRN are pleased to announce that the Sunday Morning Wakeup Call is now available through iTunes 4.9. Before this update, podcasting was a fairly complicated process, but all you have to do now to get every episode of the Wakeup Call is subscribe in iTunes. No third-party software. No fuss. Just subscribe, and Wakeup any time you want!

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