Charlottesville–Right Now: Dan Bluestone joins Coy Barefoot

2.28.11 Associate Professor and Director of the Historic Preservation Program in the UVA School of Architecture Dan Bluestone joins Coy to discuss the Meadowcreek Parkway. Bluestone talks about the history of the road, and he also touches on the lawsuit which has brought the Meadowcreek Parkway into the news stream recently.

Brian Wheeler on Facebook, Gerald Baliles’ Fourth Estate speech, and Meadowcreek Parkway news

Brian Wheeler, the Executive Director of Charlottesville Tomorrow, joins Coy Barefoot each and every Tuesday at 5:00 PM to talk about the latest in growth and development in Charlottesville and Albemarle County. This week on the show:

Brian Wheeler on the Meadowcreek Parkway

Brian Wheeler of Charlottesville Tomorrow joins Coy Barefoot on WINA’s “Charlottesville–Right Now!” on Tuesday afternoons to talk about land-use, growth and transportation issues in our community. This week on the show:

  • Council postpones vote on the Meadowcreek Parkway
  • How the Meadowcreek Parkway fits into the Three-Party Agreement
  • North Downtown Business Council invites Danville and Lynchburg business officials to discuss a bypass for US 29
  • Planning Commission reviews cell-tower policy