Today on Home Grown, David and Leslie take a look at two different kinds of poets who have channelled trauma into their art. First, poet Mary Anna Dunn visits the show for the first time. She has taken letters from her (slave owning) ancestors and used them as inspiration for her first poetry chapbook Letters to Littles’ Mills, in anticipation of her release reading at the New Dominion Bookshop. We talk to Mary Anna about her history as an artist and about her family history that she’s worked into her art. Next Flora Lark and JonaNoelle, the spoken work duo The Fire Tigers, also make their first appearance on the show. You can catch them at Fire & Smoke, a joint show with improv group Big Blue Door at The Bridge Progressive Arts Initiative. Flora Lark and JonaNoelle talk about their performance art that encourages people to acknowledge trauma, address trauma, and heal from trauma. Two sets of artists are moved to then move us this week on Home Grown: Your Show about Local Art.
Home Grown is heard on 94.7 WPVC the Progressive Voice of Charlottesville, Sundays from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.