Wake-Up Call: Affordable Care Act conversation with Carolyn Engelhard

Speaking this week about the Affordable Care Act, Rick Moore is joined by Carolyn Engelhard, Director, Health Policy Program, Department of Public Health Sciences at University of Virginia School of Medicine.

Commonly called Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act has reached its one year anniversary and Rick and Carolyn discuss how the major goals of coverage for more Americans and reducing overall health care costs are coming to pass.

The choices don’t have to be limited to For Profit versus Socialized Medicine.

Risk Pools more sick individuals mean escalating costs. A moderate pool means getting individuals who are not sick to purchase insurance, is that preventive care? Carolyn Engelhard mentions Philosophical care, where older and younger individuals are paying nearly the same amount with the expectation that the younger insured will one day be old have others to pay for them.