Sam Greengard: How to find the career you love

Sam Greengard is the author of Finding the Work You Love: The Essential Guide to Reinventing Your Life (AARP). He joined Coy Barefoot on the Wednesday, October 22 edition of WINA’s “Charlottesville–Right Now!” to offer tips and provide guidance. Greengard himself is the author of over 1,200 magazine articles, so I guess he found something he likes to do.

Road Trip: Professor’s book on bus travel reveals portrait of America

Author Kath Weston, an Anthropology PhD from Stanford University, grew up in a working-class family and attended college with the help of financial aid, took her first bus trip alone when she was 16, and that unforgettable trip showed her that traveling on the bus was much more than just a way to get somewhere.

Before joining the University of Virginia faculty this fall, she spent more than five years crisscrossing the nation on buses, chronicling the lives of Americans who travel via the least expensive mass transportation option. She refers to her new book, Traveling Light: On the Road with America’s Poor, as a journey full of unexpected richness. Her new book describes her fellow passengers’ colorful humanity and tackles issues of class, race and dubious access to America’s opportunities.

For more information about the show or to see the full text, visit the Oscar Show’s blog

Ron Wilson on the Appomattox Campaign

Regular listeners of our podcast or our live streaming feed might know Rick Britton. He’s a historian and cartographer and a frequent guest on WINA’s Charlottesville Right Now with Coy Barefoot. Rick also organizes a Civil War lecture and day-trip series in conjunction with the Charlottesville Senior Center.


On October 15th, 2008, one of the speakers —Ronald G. Wilson— appeared at the Senior Center to talk about the fascinating one-week-long Appomattox Campaign (April 2nd–9th, 1865). Following the Battle of Five Forks on April 1st—at which Union Gen. Philip Sheridan smashed a Confederate force under Gen. George Pickett—and the next day’s successful puncturing of the attenuated Southern trench lines around Petersburg, Gen. Robert E. Lee evacuated Petersburg and Richmond. Gathering his 57,000 men at Amelia Court House, 30 miles southwest of Richmond—where, unfortunately, there were no rations awaiting them—Lee pushed his army westward toward Farmville, Appomattox Court House, and destiny. Along the route actions were fought at Amelia Springs, Sailor’s Creek, and High Bridge.

Recently retired, Ron Wilson served as the park historian at Appomattox Court House for 25 years. A frequent Civil War lecturer, he is the author (along with William G. Nine) of The Appomattox Paroles: April 9–15, 1865.

Jefferson Society speaker addresses “Why Should You Bother to Vote?”

Professor Loren E. Lomasky of the University of Virginia’s Program in Political Philosophy, Policy, and Law addressed the Jefferson Literary and Debating Society on October 17, 2008, on the question: “Why Should You Bother to Vote?”

Professor Lomasky addressed many of the reasons put forward for voting, and found that they fell into three main lines of argument: Utilitarian considerations, the generalization argument, and the expressive argument. In the course of his presentation, Professor Lomasky came to some surprising conclusions about our civic duty to vote. A lively discussion followed.

Loren Lomasky is Cory Professor of Political Philosophy, Policy and Law, and Director of the Political Philosophy, Policy and Law Program. Professor Lomasky is best known for his work in moral and political philosophy. Lomasky has been the recipient of many awards including the 1991 Matchette Prize for his book Persons, Rights, and the Moral Community.

Jack Marshall and Brian Czech discuss limits to growth

Jack Marshall, President of Advocates for a Sustainable Albemarle Population and Brian Czech, President of the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy joined Coy Barefoot on WINA’s “Charlottesville-Right Now!” to discuss the limits to growth, both population growth and economic growth.

Czech describes a Steady State Economy as one that is stabilized and sustainable at an optimum size. He discusses recent national economic troubles as resulting from unsustainable growth. Marshall argues that stabilizing population growth is key to economic and environmental sustainability.

Czech believes that the decline in family farming, urban sprawl, and environmental decline are related to unsustainable growth and will threaten national security, including food and economic security.

Marshall describes the importance of sustainability as meaning that “we should be making choices today that don’t limit the choices of our children and children’s children.”

Vincent Bugliosi on the Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder

Author Vincent Bugliosi photographed during Manson trials.
Author Vincent Bugliosi photographed during the Manson trials.

Vincent Bugliosi, New York Times Bestselling author of Helter Skelter and The Prosecution of George W. Bush For Murder, joined Coy Barefoot on WINA’s “Charlottesville-Right Now!” to discuss the evidence and his conclusion that President George W. Bush is guilty of first degree murder.

Bugliosi discusses his role and methods as a true crime writer and lays out his case against George W. Bush for pursuing an illegal war for personal reasons that resulted in the deaths of over 4,000 American soldiers. Vermont Attorney General candidate Charlotte Dennett has pledged that, if elected, she will pursue this prosecution. Bugliosi firmly believes that, if brought to court, he will get a conviction.

The main issue is whether Mr. Bush brought the nation to war out of self defense. If it can be proven that the war was made based on false pretenses, as Mr. Bugliosi’s collected evidence appears to suggest, then murder can be proven. Mr. Bugliosi believes that the death penalty may be appopriate if Mr. Bush is convicted. Bugliosi spoke from Charlottesville, Virginia prior to his talk at the Albemarle County Office Building

Steven Waldman on religion in politics and the film Religulous

On Thursday, October 16th, Steven Waldman, author of Founding Faith: Providence, Politics, and The Birth of Religious Freedom In America joined host Coy Barefoot on WINA’s “Charlottesville-Right Now!” Waldman is the founder and editor of, the largest website for religion and spirituality on the internet.

They discussed the final presidential debate and each candidate’s strategy on the abortion issue, speaking to moderates or partisans. Waldman talked about the groundbreaking new Twelve Tribes of Politics study, which has discovered how the relationship between religion and politics is changing. For example, religion is much less correlated with votes in many cases now, with the exception of Evangelicals who prefer McCain, and Protestants who prefer Obama.

Waldman discusses Bill Maher’s new film Religulous, calling it funny but criticizing its presentation as a documentary because it has “completely flouted normal documentary standards,” using a gotcha film style more similar to Sacha Baron Cohen’s Borat.

Presidential Debate on the Sunday Morning Wake-Up Call

With the election just over two weeks away, Rick Moore invited representatives of the Obama and Mccain campaigns for a discussion of how the race will play out. Oscar Ramirez is Virginia Policy Director for the Obama campaign, and Sean Kenney is a former director of communications of the Republican Party of Virginia.